Well fellas, I got my car back today! Holy Cow what a difference! I have no way, right now, to cross reference the part numbers they used on the work order. I would like to, but I guess it is not nesscary right now. I put about 150 miles on it today with no problems. It looks like I will be putting about the same on it tomorrow. I am really glad that it is all over, but at the sametime, sad. Why? I have actually had alot of fun researching all this.

So I guess I wont stop.

I am currently in the process of putting together a website that will house all the information and links that I have gathered. Not only will it allow me the chance to update my out dated page, it will give me a chance to put together alot of information that passes across these boards. I have 6 pages together right now, so I might go ahead and put it up sometime this week or this weekend. But there is alot more that will need to be added. I would of course like to shot it by Roadrunner first and get his comments, additions, ideas and corrections where needed.

Don't expect anything flashy or fancey! It is just a plain simple site. Very dial-up friendly, because it is plan black and white. I want to make this the site as close to the kind of site I was looking for when I started my search for information on the CD4E so many months ago. Not a site that will answer all your questions, but give you enough information to empower a car owner so that they do not get shafted like I did or to just simply learn more about a transmission that is so misunderstood.

As for this thread... We should keep it going based on Roadrunners original reasons for placing it here. If I or anyone else comes across information on newly avaliable parts for the CD4E, place the info here. That way we can keep track of rebuild info relavent to the CD4E.

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime