so for $12.99 i bought an LED penlight UV light itcame with batteries and goggles (yellow) and it is not returnable from autozone.. os for i havent seen s... . i guess ill look after dark. it is a bright little mother for AAA bats.

well the condensor is pretty well situated ..ints a real b.... to get at and look at well .. i wonder if the uvr134a is of the proper frequency spectrum of light emmision for the 200nm? LED UV penlight I bought.. i mean will the UV in the canister glow when excited from the photons produced by my new UV penlight ? i dont think ID mfg. co and teh chinese or tiawanese mfg of the penlight consulted prior to making their products .. and hence hte probablity of a standard frequency domain for them to mutually utilize is partial and leaves me in a non-chalant demeaner... I just knew i would be not happy with the light when i brought it home , though it is bright, i am not even seeing the low port schraeder glow (where i input the r134A-UV)

its just a car to get from pt a to b usually it does it nicely --AIM: chronon1 95 Tour SE, 2.5 lliter 24V DOHC V6, 5 speed manual