Well.. I just coulnd't wait....
I started her up cracked the garage door and away I went with my Maxiseal.
Bottle 1 followed by bottle 2 on the low pressure side.

Then -- not knowing the state of the pressure, and reading the instructions indicating to immediately recharge if low.. i quickly got the r134a with pressure dial attached .

I am not certain if it had been circulating for 3 minutes
and I had it on max but the fan on low.. I turned it up to level 3 of 4 after a couple minutes.

My thermometer in the car was at about 65.

The pressure said 35. which is inbtween the low 25 and high 45 -- but the instructions say the dial is accurate for an ambient of 75 to 85 and it was lower so I figured it was lower than 35 so I would add some refrigerant ( I should have left well enuf alone). Then I saw the thing getting up to the other colors andthen red , but I should have realized that happens when you recharge and it circulates.

So , stupidly, after maybe a few more minutes I pulled the schrader valve andprobably lost some of the maxi seal crap when i did this, not to mention the freyon wass pissing and hissing all over then i saw i could close that back down on the can with the brass puncture valve( but i doubt that it has much seal to it ). I didnt see that high pressure again it seemed to be back down to 35 again when i checked it in a minute or so without the refrigerant valve going.

Anyway, the car temp was up to 70 with max ac and fan on 3rd high. So .... what is the problem ? even if there was a slow leak, there was sufficient coolant pressure on the low side to , it would seem, allow the cooling to occurr.

I am no AC expert, is anybody out there? Does anybody have an idea of what is going on here ?

thx in adv.

its just a car to get from pt a to b usually it does it nicely --AIM: chronon1 95 Tour SE, 2.5 lliter 24V DOHC V6, 5 speed manual