I know some of you on the boards have wheels from companies such as Racing Hart and the like and I know that they don't make any wheels in our bolt pattern. I've been calling companies like BBS, Dazz (RH's father company), and Enkei and none of them offer blanks to do your own custom drilling.

My question is how did those that have them(custom bolt patterns) pull it off? Did you just use a wheel with a different bolt pattern and redrill them to 4X108? If that is the case, aren't you worried about the loss in strength due to having two sets of lug holes?

I'm looking for a very specific wheel style and so far have had zero luck finding anything similar to what I'm looking for in our bolt pattern. Honestly, I'm surprised that more wheel companies don't offer more variety for the 4X108 considering the large quantity of Foci on the road