Ok! My wife checked into the EconoLodge and we will need to be able to verify at least 10 rooms to even talk discount for Huntsville. So far, we know that 1)Heather, 2)my wife and I, & 3)Neal are the only ones that I know of right now that are staying in Huntsville Friday night. So let's see a show of hands on who else will be staying at the EconoLodge.

As of right now we have 10 rooms reserved for the nights of the 25th and 26th at $34.00 a night for 2 people. There will be 5 rooms with two queen beds and 5 with one king bed. If you will only be staying one night let me know. We have not signed a contract on these yet, it is in the mail, and can be adjusted within the next 10 days. We will need info like smoking or non-smoking, one bed or two, how many nights and of course First and Last names. Information on deposit will come after everyone has forwarded me the information above and I sign the contract, which should be with the next 10 days.

Oh yeah, We got the sign! All I have to do is call the hotel in Huntsville with what we want it to say. Should we put "Welcome CEGer's" or "Welcome Contour Enthusiast Group!". They will probably want us to go with CEGer's because it is smaller, but we got it non the less.

If you are wondering why we reserved the rooms for two nights is because I know that some had said that they did not want to stay in two different hotels during the weekend, but mostly because this way we will know the rooms are there and not have to hurry up and book a room before hand. Like I said, these rooms are not going anywhere. At least until I sign the contract.

It seems that planning for Nashville, on that following Saturday, is really taking off and it seems that an extra day might be in the works. doccs98svt was checking into hotel accomidations off of I-65, so please post here or PM doc for your accomidations. Some of you might want to stay up in Nashville Saturday night because I think Sunday will include some serious traveling, so to save on gas it might be smarter to stay in Nashville Saturday night.

Phillip Jackson `98 Mystique LS 262K+ and counting... ATX rebuilt @ 151K "This storm has broken me, my only friend!" RIP Dime