(This is in reply to the person with the idea for an edmonton meet. but i thought id start my own post as not to steal his and just to see what kind of interest there would be as well as what kind of support i would find..........)

I think a meet in ontario would attract way more people then one in Banff. Here we would attract people from the michigan plus New York area plus its a central location for canada. I would be more then interested in helping put something together. I used to belong to teh Porsche forum and i know they do stuff like rent molson park (a raceway but i dont think thats the name) anyway we could do some autocrossing, car show, blah blah but i think the GTA is a far more location friendly choice. (assuming that the toronto area is a 2.5 hour drive from detriot, and a 1 hour drive from Buffalo). If anyone from the area is interested in putting something together this summer let me know. Lets do this people, we could have a blast......Let me know.. John.

Would this idea work...

GTA international meet?

Works on contingency, no money down.....oh wait let me change a few things....Works on Contingency? NO, Money Down!!!! 98 Se in the works.... Looking for, 18'rs-6 or RS-5's SVT rear FOUND!!! SVT front (thanks SVTCuervo)