Originally posted by GR8SVT:
well, how did you gut your pre-cats?

if you gutted them while still in the car, perhaps there was still some ceramic in there that finally broke off and is now sucked into the engine as explained in the FAQ.

if not, then maybe some sh*t was let into the engine compartment when cleaning your Upper and Lower's.

The mechainc told me that they were cleaned when he looked into them and that you could stick a broom into them and it was would go through. He called me up while removing them and even told me to come by and take a look. It seems like the were already pre gutted before i got the car. Cleaning the uim and LIM has nothing to do with it because i cleaned it out and this happened like 2 months ago about the car getting cogged and not running right.. I cleaned out the UIM and LIM beofre taking it to the mechainc. Also he did check for vaccum leaks and there were none.

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