Name: Jason
Board name: jason732
Engine/Tranny: Zetec MTX
Detailed list of your exhaust mod: 2.25" Mandrel bent single pipe with no res from flexpipe to a Magnaflow rear muffler and 2.25" turndown tip.
Cost/Installation Charge: $230 installed.
Opinion: At idle, it sounds almost stock. At moderate throttle it's definately louder than stock. At WOT, it's a helluva lot louder than stock. Just cruizing around the grocery store parking lot, you could tell it was louder, but not obnoxious. It won't take any trophies for loudness, but it's got a mellow, deep and even tone with a little rasp when cold, but that's it. Even on the freeway at +/- 75 there's no drone.
Misc. Info: If you want a nice, mellow sounding exhaust that's not going to get you a ticket, this is it. I'm very impressed with the increase in the low end torque I've gained and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's loud when I want it to be, but quiet when I need it to be. I had a guy standing next to the car when I first started it and he said "You just had exhaust work done?" then I floored it, and then it floored him. His expression was priceless. Something like:

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