Yes two way communication is what makes the alarm state of the art. It stays in constant communication with your vehicle up to a 1/4 mile away, you can also arm, disarm, pop your trunk, lower your windows, set your alarm off to get rid of a snooping kid, or start your vehicle from a 1/4 mile away. Now here is the more of the two way part of the deal, if someone smacks or punches your car it will show it on your remote and beep or vibrate to alert you. It will come up with a small hammer telling you what happened. If someone were to raise your hood or open your trunk it blinks the hood or the trunk on your remote control. If someone were to touch your ignition wires it blinks your ignition wires. That is just a brief overview of the alarm any specifics just let me know.

In addition some of the options you can add to the alarm are windows modules (which allows you to lower or higher your windows through your remote), a trunk popper if you do not have one, a backup battery, a 2nd siren for inside the car or your trunk (depending if you have a stereo system in the trunk).

Viper Responder