Originally posted by 303GreenDestiny:

1. Suneil Malhotra, sn=ssmumich00, paid in FULL.
2. Nick Houston, paid in full but I haven't payed for shipping.
3. Mike Allen - Paid in full for hood. Check for shipping returned by USPS.
4. Steve Chang - Paid in Full for hood, no shipping
5. Matt Espeseth (303GreenDestiny) - Paid in Full for hood, no shipping

I'm sorry for my obnoxiously late update... I recently moved, and just finally got my home internet connection working correctly... and on top of that, I was presenting at a conference last week, so I was pretty unavailable. [/excuses]

Anyway, where we are at right now is that I have called every other day to talk to the owner and accountant, but have missed him every time (my schedule during the week sucks, so I end up having to call at odd hours, when he happens to not be there)...

I'm working hard on this for you guys, and I can't express how sorry I am that (1) it has taken this long, and (2) that they are flaking on us...

It sucks for all of us, because remember NorCal and I originally paid for 5 hoods to get the GB through... and then have purchased a few other people's spots along the way... so at this point we are out a grip of $$ too So we DEFINITELY want to get everyone's money back, or some hoods...

I guess what I'd like to know from the 5 of you that are left is whether you want money back, or if you would like to still try and hold out for a hood? We are trying to work everything out to the best of our abilities so that you guys don't have to wait any longer, so we're working on some personal sacrafices on our part...

(last time I got ahold of somebody there, they told me they had 2 or 3 fiberglass hoods left, and 1 or 2 of the defective CF ones, so we potentially could have those sent off very soon for you guys if you wanted one of those right now)

1. Suneil Malhotra - wants $$ back
2. Nick Houston -
3. Mike Allen -
4. Steve Chang -
5. Matt Espeseth (303GreenDestiny) -