Good news.

Sitting in a container and on the manifest list for this shipment is one of the CF hoods. The container coming at the end of next week has a few, and the one after that has the rest of our order.

So what does this mean? Order fulfillment can begin starting as soon as *monday* or *tuesday morning*.

So do me a favor. I need to put names to screen-names. Please PM me your full name (as ordered) and shipping address (current) as well as a phone number you can be reached at by the freight company if needed.

Hood pins are not here for another 3 weeks, those will have to wait a little longer if that's okay with you guys.

Send me a PM! Let me put a screenname to a real name. If you bought somebody else's slot and talked to them about it but not me, please let me know who you bought it from.

2001 ATX V6 Dark Shadow Grey Merc Cougar(Sport Pkg, ABS, traction control and sunroof )