Sorry for the absence folks, when we did get an update, CEG was down, and so there wasn't much we could do to post about it. Dev spoke with the mfgr a few days ago and will be updating us with info. I'll call him in the morning (school just started for this semester so be patient with him ) and get the precise info or have him post it.

I appreciate the patience of everyone who has stayed in this group buy. For the nay-sayers who are crying scam, well you can bite me. As I said before, I have personally paid several refunds for no-longer-Contour-owners out of my own damn pocket, on top of the money we already personally invested into the group buy (since we purchased several of the hoods ourselves). I can't express how disappointed we are in how long it has taken our manufacturer to get the hoods produced and shipped without garnering a lawsuit or prison time from the FCC.

As far as I'm concerned, more of my money has gone into this than any single person, as I've given out 1800 bucks of my own hard-earned skrilla to this (on top of the other 900 for a pair of hoods, plus what Dev has put in).

I'm at the point where I'm going to call and yell. Loudly. And Dev can tell you, I can yell pretty freakin' loud.

All I want to know is when the damn hoods are going to arrive so we can get them in your hot little hands. Or dead cold hands, at this point.

Anyway, feel free to reply with or your love

2001 ATX V6 Dark Shadow Grey Merc Cougar(Sport Pkg, ABS, traction control and sunroof )