I have taken the Vortech of my Contour due to the troubles it has cost me. I want the car back to those days that I could jump in and take off to wherever with no worries. The reliability has drastically decreased. Not saying this is how all Contours are with Vortechs. Just saying this is what it did to mine.

Anyways I was curious if I could get the needed brackets and other equipment to assmeble this unit on my '86 Mustang GT? I would think anything would work, but I also remember hearing someone say how the impellar on the Contours Vortech is too small.

I emailed Vortech, but they don't really like to respond to emails.

Sam 1998 SVT Contour- SOLD 2002 Mustang GT - 406 RWHP/391 RWTQ 12.1 @ 115 MPH