Whats All This Fuss Over The Ford Contour? First of all don't anyone take this wrong because I don't mean it that way, but why is there a website devoted to the Ford Contour? And after reading through most of the posts why do all of you love this car so much? Again, I'm not trying to be a smart---, I really want to know. What is it?

I have a 98 Contour, V6, burgundy with all the fancy stuff on it. I have had many, many problems. I bought this car because the Ford dealership is the first one I went to. From day one I disliked the body style and as far as driving it nothing spectacular there either. Even with the problems aside I truly don't see the fascination.

Again, I am in no way dissing this website or the car! In fact I love the site, I just read about every post and what tremendous help everyone is. I definately want to be a part of this! Everyone is great and really nice and very helpful. But please explain, whats all the fuss? To me its just a plain ol' car and not even a great looking one at that. Tell me what you see that I don't.