Originally posted by ssmumich00:
So, showtime, I forgot, are our hoods any better than the ones that are being offered by the other GB on CF hoods? I already sent the money to you, so it's a done deal, it's just kind of frustrating that another GB pops up while ours finishes (lord knows we've been loyal to the end). .especially since they can get those predator vents or whatever the hell those things are , better cooling I guess. . .


I've seen pics of hoods this company has made for hondas/acuras and they look really nice...very good glossy finish. I think you'll be satisfied

I'm not knocking the other group buy cause i haven't read anything about it, or know any thing about the company. I'm just not big on vents/scopes etc...
i travel a lot and when the weather is bad I'm not trying to get tons of dirt/crap on the engine...that just makes more to clean.

2000 SVT (silver) #1529 of 2150 ------------------- yeah...its modded "having no way as way and no limitation as limitation"