Hey all:

While I'd love to get this vehicle ....

'99 Silver SVT, lease return
26K miles
$17.9K (negotiable)
American Ford, Bloomington, MN
Solomon, sales, (612)396-4111

Just had a call from this sales guy who knows that I was looking for this
color SVT. Unfortunately, I'm unable to do a deal now. I have yet to see
the car, but it is pictured here: http://www.getauto.com/search/car_detail_back2.cfm?_dealer_id=AABaR&x_cvin=1

Neal, digest mode
95 Contour SE V6 MTX-75 www.contour.org
65 Mustang 289 Cruis-O-Matic
64 Mercedes Benz 220SE www.mercedes-veterans.com