Someone who taught me everything I know about art, common sense, history, love, mechanics, women. Someone who knew the answers to every question I had about life. Someone who sat down for hours at a time to make sure I had it in my head to do what I want to do in life, and not what others impose upon you.

My Dad was a smart man. He worked on jet engines during Viet Nam, he held a respectable rank too. He was forced out of the service by his then loving wife, who, eventually killed herself with the drink. He started a new life with my Mom, and eventually had me.

Nothing is worse than losing a parent so short after high school graduation. It turns you and your personality to stone- and your friends hard pressed to deal with your stress. Only a handful of my friends truly know what it's like- and so many could never understand. I feel his death happened 20 years ago already, yet it's only been three.

Here's a beer to the man who taught me to think twice and choose conequences for my own actions- to "love life, play hard and sleep fast".

Rest in Peace, Dad.

I ask if you may so kindly do so, to have a drink for my old man. He asked me to do the same.

Thanks everyone