We had Hurricane Ernesto come through this weekend. I had to work 16 hours on Friday so I didn't get to go out and have a beer.
I worked 8 hrs on Saturday, drove to NY and back to look at a car I didn't like. Didn't have time for a beer.
I worked 12 hours on Sunday dispatching all of Bucks County by myself, 20 crews, trying to clear up all of the damage from the hurricane. Had to write a college paper = no beer.
Today I find out I'm getting forced into working another 16 hour day after they told me they were going to go by low man on the totem pole vs. how many hours of O/T you've worked this year. Well, I wasn't the low man and they decided it was going to be me anyway because my boss doesn't like me. No beer yet.
It could be worse.

Now owner of 0 SVT's. my web page