I did a search, but couldn't find anything that helps my situation.
My brake light and ABS lights are on all the time. Very rarely when I turn the car off then back on the lights go off for a little while. I haven't been able to get them to turn off since the last time they turned off. I have disconnected the battery and that doesn't help. I figured that I must have a short or bad sensor. I put a volt meter on each one of my sensors and all of them seemed to be working when I spin the wheels the voltage would go up the more I spun the wheel. Does anybody know the correct way to check the ABS sensors?
I have plenty of brake fluid. How would I check the master cylinder level sensor? I do have access to an OBDII scanner, but couldn't find the section that would check ABS.

Thanks for your help

2000 Black SVT Contour He who says Nitrous is cheating just got beat. www.Fast4doors.com