Originally posted by Auto-X Fil:
Originally posted by moxnix:

I thought the RA-1's did pretty good for what they are. I managed a 2nd in pax at a cumberland airport event and a 3rd in pax just ahead of sam strano at a local autocrossers inc. event last year.

Wow. Did Sam have a bad day or did you sneak the MSP into HS? That's nuts

Seriously though, that's quick. Sam's not just a national driver, he's a national shoo-in.

Well I might have left out a few details

It was pouring rain that day and Sam was driving a B Stock MR2 Turbo. He managed 6th in PAX at the D.C. event the next day in the dry and I was 51st.

Also the MSP has alwasy been a very good wet car for me.

Some of my friends told me I needed to print out those PAX results and frame them.

Beaten - 2003 MazdaSpeed Protege 29K <- broken hearted Daily/Weekend Beater - 1990 miata 138K - AutoX every weekend = Adult driven on weekends