Anyone else bid on this? I just got a second chance offer from Ebay:

Item: Ford : Contour (110025521568)
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Good news! The following eBay item on which you placed a bid for US $5,001.00 on Aug-26-06 06:40:47 PDT is now available for purchase:

Ford : Contour (110025521568)
Your Price: US $5,001.00
Offer end date: 5 business days

Second Chance Offer
The seller is making this Second Chance Offer because the high bidder was either unable to complete the transaction or the seller has a duplicate item for sale.

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Now I know there's something fishy going on here! Might be a scam of some sort for all I know. Or, maybe the seller is having problems. I'm not interested either way. I need to concentrate on assembling a certain low mileage Turbo 3L.

99 Tropic Green SVT, Tan Leather, 20K miles, "Nice Twin" (factory stock). 99 Tropic Green SVT, Tan Leather, 28K miles, "Evil Twin" (Turbo AER 3L and more in progress) 96 Red LX, Opal Grey Leather 2.5L, ATX, 22K miles