Seriously, I will pay anyone (amount to be agreed upon) who can put my alternator back in a reasonable amount of time. I followed the How-to, got the thing out, bought the part, hooked all the wires back up, but I can't get the damned thing back into the bracket. All you have to do is put it back and start the bolts, I can handle finishing up.

My arms are scraped, bruised, and fatigued and I'm done messing with it. I've probably spent as much time TRYING to put the thing back on the bracket as I did taking the thing out.

So if you're skilled at installing the alternator please PM me. I don't care if you're a seasoned mechanic or the only thing you've ever done is changing the alternator on the V6 Contour. As long as you've done it a few times and are skilled at it!

I'm in SE Michigan near Royal Oak. I need to do this preferrably Wednesday or Thursday, but definitely before Monday. Please help!

Andy 96 Contour V6 101000 miles