Originally posted by TaurusKev:
Yankee Candle

you forgot lemonparty
err unless that sorta thing is your bag

The last time I got a bit lightheaded and ill was recently after a routine blood test.
The nurse effed it up, so I had a bruise for a week afterward.
The actual needle didn't bother me, but every time I'd touch the bruise and try to rub it, I'd get nauseous. I can touch the spot now and I'm fine, so I'm guessing it's because it was still sore and my body was trying to tell me to stop effing with it!

I think the last time anything made me gag before that was probably something that came from my husband.
I have a really strong sense of smell - almost canine.
Smell is also strongly linked to taste, so we have a joke that I eat my husband's farts.
He can friggin stink bad! Not as bad as Stazi though. Nobody stinks like that.

Also other people's vomit usually doesn't bother me, but I had to help the husband once after a night of margaritas and mexican food. He had minor knee surgery not too long before, so his leg was in an immobilizer. He had to braf in the middle of the night, and got his foot caught in the sheets.
Barely made it to the bathroom and it sprayed across the floor. I got up to help while he did the rest in the terlet.
I dry heaved the whole time.
I think the mexican food smell is the biggest reason since I was still full from supper.
I had to use 3 old beach towels to clean up the mess.

Kim 1995 Contour GL Needs less "needs more"