Originally posted by bradSVT:
I also did remember to put all the sealants on the correct places. The power steering fluid has a distinct smell and I do not smell that. My oil is still very clear and the stuff dripping out of my car tastes like oil. My dipstick read max then 1000 miles later it now says min. Not sure still where it could be leaking but I feel like it has to be somewhere high up to hit the belts and spray places that you wouldnâ??t think a lower leak could get too. If I had a lift I am sure it would be a lot easier to tell.

Pull a few of your Plug wires out and check for oil on the ends of the wires. Secondly, Start the car and have friend give the car some accelerator pedal while you watch the oil filter. Look for oil around the oil filter o-ring area and also inspect your filter for pinholes...I spent a week looking for an oil leak that ended up being a small ding from a rock or something, in my oil filter. It sprayed oil all over the engine bay. I felt like an ass clown.

CSVT E0 3L 14.5 @ 94mph, Stock Intake, Stock Exhaust minus Resonator, CEL, And Broken Pass. Side CV...Untuned.