Originally posted by Nightwolf:
I have music going mostly to drown out my whife whining "Hooonnneeyy slow dooowwnnn" as i am trying to keep up with Ross's creazy A$$ driving.

I mostly keep good guitar music. Shinedown Ozzy Iron Maden Eric Johnson.

This post is funny/ironic as my wife will NEVER go down to the Dragon with me again and I too have guitar CD's ready to go. Gary Hoey, "Satch", Steve Via as well as Eric Johnson , all on one CD!

"THEE" Roger R USMondeo@aol.com 2005 Crossfire Limited coupe' -FOR SALE @buyout price & I'll... -throw in my 93' Regal as winter car *Dragon Run 06'...Oct 12-15th* Puur-fection Auto Detailing Complete packages from $140.00