Waiting to hear back from the insurance company ...

Check out the pics .

Not my CSVT , but mom's Mystique . She's OK , by the way . I'm going on 2nd-hand info , but it's pretty straightforward (to me , at least ) . It happened �½-block from her house this morning , one car accident , coming out of her alley . It's kind-of a screwy intersection . A stop sign where you cross another sidestreet & make a "jog" to the left to continue on her alley . Usually there are cars parked right up to her alley intersection (another bad idea never remedied) , so you can't mess around pulling out (no real visual until you're into the intersection) , plus 90% of the people coming down the road you're crossing are doing WELL over the limit of 25 mph . She pulled out in the usual way , but must've misjudged or something & hit a telephone pole that site just off the intersection with the passenger-side of her front bumper . Must have hit it just right (or wrong) , and it set off both airbags . We've gone out of that intersection a million times , as she's lived there over 35 years . There's no way she was going more than 10-15 mph in her 4-cyl , ATX mystique , plus she wasn't in any rush or anything (like late for work , etc.) . Just a bumer of a hit .
I went over & took the pics after work tonight . The quick list that I whipped up is (of course) the airbags (which busted her windshield ) , the P.S. headlight got busted-up , the rad support got bent a bit where the headlight pushed into it , the P.S. fender got pushed back towards the door & bulged-out a bit (not really boogered-up at all) , the hood has a small dent along the front edge , the grille got a bit cracked at the rear mount on the one side and the front bumper got a bit scuffed .
She's REALLY bummed about it , as she loves her Mystique . I figure it's probably a gonner , with the airbags blown & all . I guess we'll see what her insurance company comes up with .
Like I said , she's doing fine - just a bit sore from the seat belt grabbing , although in a sad mood for her Mystie . I guess I'll most likely be looking for another for her in the immediate future .

~~~~~~~ Phil Black & Tan 2000 SVT Contour #2137 of 2150 35,000 miles & counting !