OK guys - wee need to get our Carlisle food list going . Who's bringing what ?

As has been suggested ... if you can't bring FOOD , bring a MONETARY DONATION (i.e. cash , wampum , dead presidents , money , green folding cash , dollars ... you get the idea ) which will be given to appropriate people who always pull out all the stops by bringing lots of food , drinks and misc needed stuff .

I'll start off (just off the top of my head) :

I'll be bringing my wife's world-famous pasta salad , some forks-knives-spoons-plates , some papertowels , trashbags and a cooler with ice . I'm sure I'll bring other foodstuffs along , but that's the start of the list .

~~~~~~~ Phil Black & Tan 2000 SVT Contour #2137 of 2150 35,000 miles & counting !