I just got 10 more knobs! super duper - these are the next people on the list in the order i recieved contact, let me know if you have changed your mind:
1. 111R (1 knob)
2. SVT SNOB (1 knob)
3. XCHANG (1 knob)
4. RAWBURT (1 knob)
5. TODRAS (1 knob)
6. GETLUCKY151 (1 knob)
7. PEWTNERST24 (2 knobs)<-I will contact you about shipping.
8. MOXNIX (2 knobs)

Price has changed becuase this has just taken waaaaaayyyy to long.
$15 shipped for 1 knob in USA
$30 shipped for 2 knobs in USA

EGPLNT:MY 95' SE MTX SVT *200,000 MILE CLUB* 6/06/06 - 201,000 MILES