Originally posted by ohsigmachi:
I'll take a set. Is there any other daytime background color besides white?

I can do any color. Depending upon the color you choose it may limit your indiglo colors. Oh and if you want I'll help you install them for free since we're on the same island! Just let me take some pictures please.

Originally posted by m!key:
i might be in. you offer any color of glow?

Yes I do. Any color that can be displayed on your monitor I can have the gauges glow.

Originally posted by pimpdcontour:
yea i kinda wanna see what all glow colors you offer and if i where to mail you a pic you could put it on to the gauges? or are they just one solid color?

I can pretty much make them glow any color. For almost all colors (other than the regular blue) I start of with indiglo that glows white. Then I alter the color in the same manner spotlights on a stage can change colors using a gel. Since I use a CYMK printer (not your average home printer) to change the color, I can make it any color it will print out. I can also put in a pattern, design, picture or text that can only be seen when the gauges are on. I can put any picture (that my wife will let me) that you send me on face of the gauges. Pictures that are for when the gagues are on only I will have to review so see how well they would come out.

Originally posted by 99contourdriver:
Seems a bit expensive to me.....

I actually agree but my costs are high as well. Unless I purchase a large quantity of indiglo I can't get much of a discount on it. My ink cost is also higher than I expected. When I first decided to make these I wanted them to be more like $50-$60 a set but right now I couldn't sell any number of gauges at those prices. If a bulk buy happens and I can get a discount on indiglo I will more than gladly give you guys a discount. I'll be asking my supplier right after this reply.

Originally posted by morbid:
That's not expensive... especially if they can be customized.

Thank you. I usually spend four to eight hours designing the base design for a car with variants for trim levels, transmission, etc. Then I spend from one to four hours customizing a customer's gauges. It usually takes me another hour or so to assemble the gauges. So potentially I could be spending from 3 to 13 hours on a set of gauges. That's $30 to $6.92 per hour and that includes materials.

Some gauge examples I would send these files as proofs to customers so the can make sure they are getting what they want: (If you see small little lines or dots please ignore them. These files are converted from CorelDraw and my not have fully converted properly.
