What's in the mystery can? Is it really from the 1920's?
If you've been following this thread, and would like to find out, Elky has agreed to take donations of $1 per person minimum for those curious to see the contents of the can. Thread link for those who may have missed it.
All funds collected will go toward the contour.org forum fund, and the grand opening will take place at Spring Zing 2006 in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Funds can be donated through PayPal: elky83 @ comcast .net

***** Include your CEG name w/ your donation! *****

Want to see the mystery can opened live? Register for Spring Zing and stick around after the banquet on Saturday.

Last edited by GTO Pete; 03/11/06 01:38 AM.

Kim 1995 Contour GL Needs less "needs more"