Originally posted by hmouta:
r the hvac and hl going to be added to your site for sale? i didnt sign up in time for the gb.

does the black face svt have the redline at 6750 or 6500. i see 6500 on some white faces on your site. was that for the regular v6's? r these powered by anything? or the stock lighting shines thru doing all the work? my indiglos have been dimming alot and i've been thinking that something is wrong with by batt or alt but i think they are fine. would be great if these didnt need a power inverter like indiglos. did u end up getting a hl switch to work with? cuz i've got one too if u still need it

Yes Everything will be added to my website within the next few days. I am super busy right now with this and the new mustang gauges we just introduced.

The redline can be at whatever you want it at. My gauges use stock lighting. I did receive a HL switch. And prepare yourselves for some pictures hopefully this weekend.

One thing, can someone post me a pic of what bulb lights the switch? I received mine without the lighting source. And how the switch looks stock in the car, meaning is there a bezel that covers any of it?
