as the title states, Stazi has bought the mesh, its more of the Gen I but flatened so we'll call it the Gen 1.5

to better describe it, I'll take stazi's quote from the interest thread

Originally posted by Stazi:
Actually it's the same Gen I Goonz, but flattened so it looks nicer. So effectively it's Gen 1.5 (same size opening as Gen I, but flat like Gen II).

Also I got it for cheaper than usual so I'm passing on the savings and dropping the price down to $85 (from the $100 I posted before) for a full SVT set - that should motivate some of you guys.

If you're still in post your names.

I am ready to start accepting your ovals along with payment - so if you're ready, PM me and I'll give you the address to send your ovals too.

as for installation the Gen II was so thick that people complained it was too stiff and it made it a pain to install. This is thinner and more flexible.

lets get the list started..
