the install is very basic.
put the car on a drive on lift only! to avoid pre-loading the suspension.
using the pics i posted of my own car the installer can easily see where they go. they pretty much line up. there are not exact points for them to go. there is room to play.

i will have the info sent out tonight. sorry, been very busy this week.

*if youre bored, jack up the car and get under there to see where it lines up. the part where the front and rear bars meet (welded together to form a "v") point outward, towards the outside of the car. the stepped up part goes in the rear. youll see on the body where to line them up. that stepped up part goes up, just aft of where the flat underside of the body ends. check out my pics again that i posted. i suggest you print these pics out in color to give to your installer. its more than i had. all i had was a copy of a copy of a copy of one BAD pic with barely ledgible instructions. but it was that easy for the numbnut who installed them to figure out so....

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.