ok, i will definitely have 10 sets ready to ship Monday. ten have already been paid for, in full by:
1. Stazi
2. Rawburt
3. Tourige
4. Hsoverma
5. Fastcougar
6. Pole 120
7. KingpinSVT
8. TCole Design
9. enigma11211
10. DanCanuck

sorry Chris. stoopid paypal didnt send me a notice for your payment

everyone, please be sure you list your real name AND your sig name in your balance payment. it took me about ten minutes to figure out wth TCole was!

we should be able to crank out another five or so sets tomorrow.

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.