Originally posted by hsoverma:
Ill send the money on the sixteenth... let me know if this is too late or will be a problem.


this will work.

the cutoff will probably be some time between the 20th and the 24th. payment doesnt need to be received by then, just need to sign up on the list. if you say the deposit is on its way, ill trust ya and final payment isnt due till the bars are done, and even then i can afford to wait an extra week or two if you must scrape the cash together.

livinsvt, i know you said you wanted to wait and see but i cant guarantee there will be any leftovers. youll have 1st dibs if there are. look at the other thread for the prototype and materials. they are basically going to be a cookie-cutter replica of what mine are.

are there any people out there who want to get a set but dont have the $ and would need to wait for a few months?? im trying to gauge if it is a worthy investment to buy extra materials and have a few extra sets lying around.

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.