After heaving and hoing on the engine to get it into the garage and on the stand, I was pretty well warmed up anyway.

As for the shop charges on the bearings ... on the other engine build, here is an itemized list of charges:

6 rod bearings $35.19 (CB1772P)
1 set of mains $53.17 (MS2207)
Fit Pins/Align $40
Rebore cylinders $120
Clean/Disassemble & assemble block $280 (include removing pilot bearing on crank)
Balance engine & add heavy weight $380 (they farmed this out to a local race engine building shop)
Transportation fee $23 (Not sure what this was for, maybe for ordering the bearings? - I will tell them about NAPA since there is one nearby them)

Total on the race engine = 980.77 (includes $4.41 in taxes)

I would imagine that this engine will run me about $485. I'm calling them right now

It's not worth my time/effort with thier prices considering that NAPA charges $87.43 (not including taxes) and these rand me $88.36 ... I'll let them take care of it