Devil's Backbone
Est Length: 65 mi.
Start: Volente TX
End: Buchanan Dam
Area Traffic: light to medium

Comments: Depart from Oak Hill
Take US290 to FM1826
Take FM1826 south through rolling hill country to Driftwood (home of the famous Salt Lick BBQ joint)
Quick cut south on FM150 to a westbound county road shortcut over to RR12
RM12 south to the cute, quirky town of Wimberly
Continue south on RM12 to FM32, along the famous "Devil's Backbone"
FM3424 south to FM306, skirting around beautiful Canyon Lake
FM2673 to the River Road (you know it if you've ever been tubing down the Guadalupe. Hopefully we won't get stuck behind too much slow-moving weekender traffic)
Endpoint, New Braunfels
Quick return route: Quick return route: I-35 north

E0 SVT, lightly modded