Lime Creek Rd., Austin TX
Est Length: 10 mi.
Start: 620 and 2222
End: 1431 and Lime Creek Rd.
Area Traffic: light to medium
Conditions: Paved 2-lane 2-way, no passing allowed.

Comments: Quite possibly the twistiest stretch of road in the area. The posted speed limit ranges from 25 to 45 mph. Due to the no passing zone the entire distance, go Sunday morning or some other time when everyone is sleeping. It's extremely annoying to get stuck behind the dump trucks that visit the quarries at the top on weekdays.

There's a good restaurant/grocery store in Volente. There are no gas stations along this route. The drive to the top has several scenic overlooks of the lake, and the view from the top is great. A must drive.

E0 SVT, lightly modded