Alright guys. I need your help once again . Yesterday I was driving down the street when the I had to make a panic stop to keep from rear-ending the guy that swerved in front of me to keep from plowing the guy in front of him. I didnt hit him, but I realized that as i slammed the pedal, my car did not slow down at near the rate that it should have considering i had the pedal all the way down. I was really expecting to hear tires squalling but they did not. Is this normal? My mom "had the brakes done" before she sold it to me but she does not remember what they did to her brakes. My tires are slightly wider than factory sized tires, but I dont think that that will have that much of an impact on overall braking performance. If anyone has any ideas where i should start, let me know. It would be greatly appreciated. (99 SE v6 atx 81K, if it matters.) Thanks guys

Silverfrost 99 SE Sport ATX