Originally posted by Ray:
Originally posted by SVTatGT:
I don't think it will be abused, wikis tend to police themselves. Yes, anyone can write to them, but any one can delete too, so if someone says something stupid, then all it takes is another person noticing it and deleting it. And if it gets out of hand you can always lock them.

The only problem is that all it takes is one person who thinks they know what is "correct" and what isn't, to decide to delete useful stuff. I've seen a couple "faq" posts that were so far off base they didn't warrant even remembering, much less a sticky. I'd hate for that person to be able to author a "faq" for all to read.


I'm not up on alot of what's being discussed here, but I can see what Ray is talking about becoming a real problem. How many times have we seen threads that have mutated into something totally different from their original subject? I've seen simple subjects turned into flame wars. What if one of the posters simply decides to start deleting or changing what he doesn't agree with?

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