Originally posted by SVTatGT:
I don't think it will be abused, wikis tend to police themselves. Yes, anyone can write to them, but any one can delete too, so if someone says something stupid, then all it takes is another person noticing it and deleting it. And if it gets out of hand you can always lock them.

I vote myself for Wiki Moderator! It'd be a nice addition to my map moderation.

Ok. Seriousness:

I'm all for a good evolve of the website. It's been a good few years now and we could use a little bit of change. Help keep us more innovative than that of our boys on the other side of the pond. Could stand to lose a few knucklebrains in the process.


Troll. 1997 VW Jetta MkIII GLS 5spd All hail my appearance on CEG!