10:30 - Closing up the restaurant early for once and in the kitchen finishing up. Hear a "thud" from the back - but dismissed it thinking it was a box in my office falling. Want to go catch War of the Worlds with some buddies at 10:40.

10:30:45 - Interest is piqued and I go outside to look. See the driver's side door MANGLED (pix at end) and a set of brake lights flying around the corner and I know exactly who it is. A "hispanic" [censored] that works in the Indian restaurant that drives a late 90s Xterra. I gave chase on foot but she was gone.

10:32ish - I call up a friend, on his way to the theater, and tell him what happens. He says he's right behind the Xterra in question, got the plate info, and followed her. Being an EMT, he made a call as well and gave them information.

10:34 - I call 911 and make the report. Friend comes back after he finds out the whore went to a Latin night club, and that he was told to come back to the scene of the crime.

11:30 - Watching Law and Order: SVU in the restaurant, doing the "WTF" thing about the response time.

11:45 - Call 911 again and politely inquire to the situation to which they say: "We don't have your call as being reported sir. But we'll send someone right away." (Later this was cleared up by the officer as being a mixup at dispatch and the first call was recorded).

12:00 AM - Officer arrives. Tells me he ran the plates and, of-[censored]-course, the gash doesn't have any insurance. But he's going to track down the truck and investigate the damage.

So he told me my options were basically this: I talk to this useless vagina and come to an independent resolution to getting the car fixed. But he said if she refuses, he'll be happy to come in and arrest her and I can take it up with the courts.

Should I skip the nicey-nice and pray she resist arrest so I get to see a Tazer in action live? Or should I actually confront her and hope she speaks English?

Now not only does my A/C not work, but my window rolls down only a third of the way. Could I file this under pain and suffering?

Edit: Pix actually came out ok in the parking lot, here they are:

Sal Khan 00 SVT - Not pretty 00 Aprilia RSV Mille - Also Loved. http://www.thelunchjournals.com "I just want someone I can stand once her mouth is free of obstruction."