Just did both a MapQuest and Yahoo Maps query. Both of them had me going around the "long way".

SO--if you're coming to Whidbey from the south, map the directions from your house to Mukilteo. Then, map the directions from Clinton (on the other end of the Mukilteo ferry) to Shotwell's address.

Estimated driving time from Clinton to Shotwell's is 1 hour 18 minutes, according to Yahoo Maps. So, to back track, we'd have to arrive in Clinton at 8:42 a.m. to arrive at Shotwell's at 10:00. In order to arrive in Clinton by 8:42 a.m., we'd have to catch the 8:00 a.m. Mukilteo ferry, which arrives in Clinton around 8:20. The ferry crossings take about 20 minutes and the ferry runs every 30 minutes:

Summer schedule is on, so I think it's recommended that you arrive 30 minutes to 1 hour prior to the ferry departure, which means we'd have to meet at the ferry dock by no later than 7 a.m. Set your alarms accordingly! I'll be there.

Anyone who wants to catch the 8:00 ferry on Saturday morning, let me know; that's the one I'll be on. If you're catching the next ferry at 8:30, let me know and I'll wait for you in Clinton, so we can drive up to Shotwell's.

I know it's a lot of planning to account for, but "YOU CAN DO IT!!!"