Originally posted by Ray:
Originally posted by 99SESPORT:

Originally posted by Mushu:
I have known Aaron for many years and he is an awesome guy. He does not judge people. I seriously doubt Aaron ever dreamed his kids would call a hard drinking, foul mouthed, democrat, Irish girl Aunt Kelly, but they do, and he is cool with it.

For those that don't know: the statement by Mushu was directed to me. I mentioned my desire, and enjoyment in artistic photography of my wife, and mentioned displaying them to those who expressed a desire to see them, and was promptly not judged, as well.. (my actions were judged, etc..)

FWIW: I may not PARTAKE in those actual actions, but I won't sit here and belittle you or condemn you, or your wife, for doing so. I believe in what I believe, but it isn't any more right for me to force it on you, no matter HOW "solid", or righteous the truth of the matter is. If you are going to do it, you are going to do it...



(As Ray views it)

1. To pass sentence on; condemn.


(As it should be seen if you have to use that word with me)

1. To form an opinion or estimation of after careful consideration
2. To determine or declare after consideration or deliberation.

BIG DIFFERENCE THERE RAY! I made a JUDGEMENT (opinion) about your actions based upon careful consideration of what you said and what I know to be true. Same in this discussion. As MUSHU stated, I don't judge you (condemn) for your actions. What you do is up to you. And, as I've said before, I will say something, (just as you do RAY) if you see somebody doing something that is DIFFERENT than what you would have done (broken spring bring anything to mind?)...

So, if you were to come to Dallas, Ray, I would invite you into my home, just as I would anybody else. You would be a guest and would be treated as one. But in my house, there are boundaries we do not cross, and if you do come into my house, you will know what they are.

I don't care what you do, but when you bring it into a public forum, where you proudly parade around with your ideas of "fun," expect to be criticized and given opinions (judgements) by anybody and everybody.

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