donations are accepted

I am working the figures out with CF1 tonight....I will keep you all posted.

If i were to put down $2000 i would have to sell 10 trunks for $660 shipped to get my money back with no profit.

If i were to sell 20 trunks i would be able to offer the price of $560 with no profit till any additional trunks sold.
I am working the final details tonight and will see what i can do for all you guys.

what do you guys think of the prices?

Last edited by svtProdigy; 05/11/05 07:37 PM.

PLEASE HELP ME GET MY CAR TOGETHER! ITS IN DAYTON OHIO! I need the motor together and in the car so i can DRIVE it! Pleeeeeese! diamond pistons for 3.0/forsale #702 of 2150