I seem to suck at searching lately guys and gals so I apologize. I've read every fuel pump related thread but still want an opinion or two. My SE has racked up 96k miles on it and starting to get a couple of problems. It has 69k on it 7 or months ago when I got it. It got 24cty and 27hwy when I got it and after some Shell V Power and cleaner I was managing 27mixed and 30-32hwy. Then all a sudden it went to crap. I've noticed it seems to have the "dirty sock" syndrome I'm guessing and will surge badly under a quarter of a tank in a tight turn. Fuel mileage has dropped down to a best of 29 on the highway.

I was thinking of tearing into the fuel pump this weekend and cleaning the screen/filter but thought it might be better just to wait a week or so and buy a new pump and replace it while I'm in there to save two trip to "underseatland".

Thoughts anyone ?

Was also wondering if anyone had a direct link to Bill Jenkins site to order a new one. NAPA carries one that is 241 bucks...salty aye.

Thanks all

2000 SE Sport 2.5L MTX Harvest Gold Stock except for K&N RU-3690