So are Contours disposable? Mine 1998 just hit 100K miles and it seems to be dieing. I have replaced a hub and bearing (and need a 2nd), O2 sensors, speed sensors, clutch and not I am about to go pay for new Timing chain guides and tensioners.

We have owned it since we bought it new with 12 miles. We change the oil regularly, and try to do routine upkeep. To be fair it did give us many years with little trouble.

It just seems that the past 20K miles or so, everything has been going wrong with it. I feel like I am slowly replacing everything but the body.

Is that the reason that most of the enthusiasts (like people on this site) are so knowledgable and experienced with their cars? They have had to be to keep them running?

MUST SELL - ECM computer new for a 98 V6 mtx + pats Now trolling in a Red Nissan 4 x 4