I'm in only if HVAC's are also available...try and make it a package deal. If they are willing to make them get them to make a complete set of Gauges and HVAC...this way they will match. If you want to take it one step further also add the Light switch plate as well in the complete kit. If you get the gauges you will ultimately end up wanting the HVAC and also want to convert all your interior lighting to blue LED's. Green and blue just don't look good together.

Scott 2000 Contour SVT #1464 Mustang Dyno: 171.6hp/145.3lb Dynojet Dyno: 171.1hp/148.9lb 1989 20th Anniversary Turbo T/A "Indy 500 Pace Car" #1376 of 1550 All Original, 46k with a few mods 2002 F150 SuperCrew