actaully now that I look at it more all you need is a verticle line (say like where the door swings open at to make the vertical line) for the E...and then a tiny horizontal line for the G part on the back wheel. The C is already done by the front wheel. If done right it will stick out yet still flow w/ the car so that to some they may see the car but to others they will see the CEG in the pic of the I said its the same style as OCC does and it'll look cool.

Then above it or below it right out "contour enthusiats group" and then a big SVT logo on the back w/ Special Vehicles Team written below the SVT. I think that would be a nice shirt.

Basically have the pic on one side and the SVT on the other (interchangeable)

Justin 98.5 CSVT # 4887 of 6535 (born 2/28/98)