I wouldn't worry about what other poeple say....My teacher saw my computer at school with contour wallpapers and said "Why do you have those cars on there, they aren't even good cars...aren't those grandma cars??" I just stared at her knowing the very minimal knowledge she has for cars and asked her what kind of car she had? She didn't tell me so either she is too dumb to know what kind of car she drove or was to embarassed to say. Ok thats it for story time haha, anyway just igonre haters they have no clue what the contour can do.

99 contour se debadged "knauberized" fog light mod 17" Enkei CDR9 225/45/17 Contiextremecontacts Alpine CDA-9807 and 2 12" Kicker Comp C12 subwoofers http://members.cardomain.com/ridered81